
Showing posts from February, 2019

"Sloane Kathleen" A beautiful name... Part 2 (Kathleen)

Aunt Kathy  Disclaimer:   I know it's been a few weeks since I have made a post. I haven't felt well at all (nasty head cold and a stomach bug back to back will slow you down). The weather has been crazy, but most importantly, I knew the story that would follow in this post would be incredibly difficult to write, emotionally.  It would also be a longer post than some of the others. There is just no way to edit some of what goes into this out. So please bear with me and read all the way to the end.  I have pushed through all the difficulties, however, and hope you enjoy the result.  I miss my Aunt Kathy every single day and simply wish we could talk again for hours. I know someday soon, in Heaven, we will have our day! Love you, Aunt Kathy, I hope you are proud of Sloane and me.   I am not sure when it happened exactly. I cannot pick a date on a calendar, a certain holiday party to note, or even a perfect family get together. I do know though at some point my Aunt Ka